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Lu becomes first patient to be seen in the Adem Crosby Centre

By March 26, 2017April 15th, 2020No Comments

News Story

Lu becomes first patient to be seen in the Adem Crosby Centre

How often does a mother become one of the first patients to be seen at the New Comprehensive Cancer Care Centre named in her son’s honour?
Well, that was the unique situation Lu experienced today when she became the first patient to be seen at the Adem Crosby Centre. Today, the Adem Crosby Centre commenced outpatient appointments and Lu visited her oncologist for her 6 monthly check up and her annual bone strengthening infusion. As expected Lu was given the tick of approval.

Below are Lu’s comments that were given to the media about this very rare and unique situation.

“Just like all the other outpatients visiting the Adem Crosby Centre for the first time this week, I am sure we will all walk through the doors feeling a little apprehensive, uncertain and perhaps a tad bit curious.
However, for me, to be one of the first patients to sit in the waiting room of the Adem Crosby Centre as well as being the mother of the amazing teenager who this fully comprehensive State of the Art Cancer Care Centre was named in honour of…well frankly leaves me lost for words. Perhaps the only word that is appropriate for my unique situation is ‘bittersweet’.
Adem had a way of inspiring so many people going through adversity like him to accept their journey with strength and dignity. If he ever saw me walk by him with slumped and heavy shoulders, he would tell me…”Mum, shoulders back, chin up, breathe…it is what it is.”
As I walk through the doors of the Adem Crosby Centre this week, I am sure my angel child will be whispering in my ear those very words.”